Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Field Observation Evidence Report #3

Field Observation Evidence Report #3
TC NAME: Nhu Y Nguyen
RICA Domain: Fluency
RICA Competency: Fluency: Role in Reading Development and Factors That Affect the Development
Grade Level: 4th
Any Additional Descriptors: English Learner
                I observed Mrs. R. utilizing fluency in her lesson plan. She sat down with a student named Joy and asked Joy to read a short book titled “Life of Prairie Dogs.” Before reading the book, she builds on background knowledge by asking Joy about Prairie Dogs. Joy answered and said that she does not know what Prairie Dogs are. Mrs. R. explained to Joy that Prairie Dogs are in the rodent family just like squirrels. When Prairie Dogs stand up on its rear feet, its size is very similar to squirrels and guinea pigs. While Joy read, Mrs. R. took notes on her accuracy, rate of reading, and prosody. Joy lacks prosody. She does not emphasize much on question sentence or exclamation marks. Joy reads well and comprehends most of what she read. Her accuracy and rate of reading is very good. Joy does not read too fast or too slow.
                I observed that the instructional setting is surrounded by a variety of supports for teaching and learning related to English Language Development. Near the entrance of the door, on the wall are two posters of contractions: informal and formal greetings/departures. The students have been practicing how to say formal and informal greetings/departures. The school’s word of the month is courteous. All teachers have to teach their students what it means to be courteous, therefore proper greeting and departures are a must in being courteous.